
“Relief Through Creativity” as it Unfolds in the Life & Career of an Artist

Luc Bihan is an internationally known French sculptor, trained in the San Francisco Art Institute. He has directed animation in both France and Canada and has supervised animation in China, North Korea, Poland, and Romania. As an artist, Luc feels art creation is a therapeutic meditative process, reflecting the subconscious and releasing inner thoughts and [...]

Canadian Positive Psychology Association 2018: Tim Pychyl on Procrastination. Plus Ryan Niemiec & Margarita Tarragona

Mark Franklin was your Career Buzz correspondent interviewing keynoters and speakers on-site at two conferences: the Canadian Positive Psychology Association’s 2018 Conference in Toronto.  The CPPA promotes the science and practice of positive psychology - and facilitates collaboration among researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students in Canada. Up first is Dr. Ryan Niemiec who is the Education Director of the VIA Institute on Character. It’s a global, non-profit organization in Cincinnati, Ohio that advances the [...]

Canadian Positive Psychology Association 2018: Tim Pychyl on Procrastination, Plus Ryan Niemiec & Margarita Tarragona

Mark Franklin was your Career Buzz correspondent interviewing keynoters and speakers on-site at two conferences: the Canadian Positive Psychology Association’s 2018 Conference in Toronto.  The CPPA promotes the science and practice of positive psychology - and facilitates collaboration among researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students in Canada. Up first is Dr. Ryan Niemiec who is the Education Director of the VIA Institute on Character. It’s a global, non-profit organization in Cincinnati, Ohio that advances [...]

Managing Your Career While Going Through Cancer Treatment

Cancer strikes without prejudice – but people from all walks of life and within all levels of the cancer community can be united in a common goal of coping with this life-altering event. People living with cancer can and do play a significant and powerful role in their own journey. Kim Adlard has first hand [...]

Positive Psychology experts discuss Hedonia, Eudaimonia and the Virtuous Organization

With so much interest in positive psychology, how can we use it to enrich our careers and lives? How can it help us to flourish? These are questions that today’s podcast guests help answer. Guests were speakers and exhibitors at the recent Canadian Positive Psychology Association’s national conference held in Niagara on the Lake, June [...]

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