Mark Franklin was your Career Buzz correspondent interviewing keynoters and speakers on-site at two conferences: the Canadian Positive Psychology Association’s 2018 Conference in Toronto.  The CPPA promotes the science and practice of positive psychology – and facilitates collaboration among researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students in Canada.

Up first is Dr. Ryan Niemiec who is the Education Director of the VIA Institute on Character. It’s a global, non-profit organization in Cincinnati, Ohio that advances the latest science and practical applications of character strengths. He’s an award-winning psychologist and adjunct professor at Xavier University, and instructor at the University of Pennsylvania. He’s passionate about the connection between character strengths and mindfulness, spirituality, health, disability, parenting, positive movies, and savoring. Ryan is author of several books including Character Strengths Interventions, Mindfulness and Character Strengths, and Positive Psychology at the Movies.

Next, Dr. Tim Pychyl developed an international reputation for his research on … wait for it… procrastination. He’s Director of the Centre for Initiatives in Education, and Associate Professor of Psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa. Tim co-edited two books, the most recent of which is Procrastination, Health and Well-being. He is also author of Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Concise Guide to Strategies for Change. Check him out on his Psychology Today blog, his iProcrastinate podcast at (Interview at 00:14:02)

Lastly, Dr. Margarita Tarragona is a psychologist who specializes in applying positive psychology in the helping professions and education.   Margarita co-founded and teaches in Grupo Campos Elíseos in Mexico City. She’s adjunct faculty of the Wholebeing Institute and teaches in the Certificate in Positive Psychology, Latin America. Margarita incorporates scientific findings on well-being with collaborative and narrative ways of working with people to generate dialogue and expand their life stories. She´s the author of Positive Identities: Positive Psychology and Narrative Practices.  (Interview at 00:31:09)

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