
Mental Health and Self-Care in the Workplace

How safe is your workplace from a psychological health perspective? What can you do as an employee and employer to mitigate psychological health risks in the workplace? Half a million Canadians are off work each week due to mental illness. One in five Canadians experience a mental health problem each year. With figures like these, [...]

Opening Up a World of Career Opportunities & Lifetime Experiences

Seeing the need for post-secondary graduates to really understand and grasp opportunities Alex McKee founded Millennial Xchange. Not limiting itself as a mentor program, but a career launch pad where ambitious creative minds can connect with professionals from all walks of life. Also joining the conversation, starting at 12:55, are Diane Latta, a mentor with [...]

Pursuing a Career in Sales – Three Interviews from the Great Canadian Sales Competition

Sheila Cassidy leads the Great Canadian Sales Competition, one of Canada's biggest student competitions. Her team, including 150 student Ambassadors coast to coast, promotes sales as a career and a valuable skill-set to students across Canada. A trailblazer and Chief Revenue Officer at Ceridian, Larry Dunivan was instrumental in moving Ceridian to a cloud-based company. [...]

The emerging field & importance of cyber security – Interview with cyber security expert and Xahive co-founder Sem Ponnambalam

With the growing threats to personal and government data security what are we supposed to do to protect against cyber attacks? And with the growing threats come career opportunities: information security was among the top 10 jobs for 2016. Today we are joined by cyber security expert Sem Ponnambalam about some interesting career opportunities. Learn [...]

Don’t Make Any Assumptions: Inside U of T Mississauga’s Career Centre

“Don’t make any assumptions,” said self-confessed career geek, Felicity Morgan, “about what you think about any career area.” Felicity is director of the career center at the University of Toronto at Mississauga. The UTM career centre serves over 13,000 students, with 15 staff. When we make assumptions we risk “not seeing our own biases and [...]

Arlene Dickenson – Feature interview with Dragons’ Den Star

Originally broadcast in January of 2013, we've edited, slimmed down and re-posted our feature interview with Dragons' Den star and prominent Canadian business woman Arlene Dickenson. At 30, Arlene Dickinson was divorced, had a high school diploma, no savings, and no idea how to feed four young children. She is now the CEO of Venture [...]

Preventing bullying, promoting mental wellness, changing the world. Meet Wali Shah

  One of Canada's Top 20 Under 20, Wali Shah is a South Asian speaker & poet. As an artist, he's an advocate for Bullying Prevention and Mental Wellness. Wali helped raise over 1 million dollars for United Way, and is also an ambassador for CrimeStoppers and Bell Let's Talk. Wali’s been featured on MTV, [...]

Take our kids to work! And, building a thriving workplace

How can parents help their sons and daughters learn about the world of work? The Learning Partnership was founded in 1993 to build important bridges between leaders in education and leaders in business. It’s a national charity dedicated to advancing publicly funded education. Take Our Kids to Work is The Learning Partnership’s signature program. It [...]

Bridging programs for internationally educated professionals

  Amena Zafar is an educator and career coach who has worked extensively with youth and the not so young - from all over the world.  Ten years after finishing an MBA, Amena went back to school to get another graduate degree in adult education, where she focused on youth empowerment and community engagement. While [...]

Career Crafting with Cathy Campbell and Olympic Gold Medalist Misty Hyman

  Based on a study of the experiences of young people in the decade after graduating from high school, Career Crafting is a book that offers an insightful portrait of the early career journeys of young adults. Hear author Cathy Campbell dispel the "Career Myth" that those in their late teens and 20s should follow [...]

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