
Career Buzz with Ali Canning, Shanza Ayub, Jasnoor Grewal and Abhishek Taneja of Let’s Get Together!

With support of friends and community partners, Ali Canning founded Let’s Get Together! It’s a non-profit for parents, youth and communities to access information and resources for educational assistance and student well-being. The mission is to Empower families; and strengthen communities. And it supports well informed career and life choices. Today we speak to Lets Get Together, [...]

The Canadian Positive Psychology Association 2018: John Helliwell on Global Happiness, Plus Bill Craig and Jay Gosselin

Mark Franklin was your Career Buzz correspondent interviewing keynoters and speakers on-site at the Canadian Positive Psychology Association’s 2018 Conference in Toronto.  The CPPA promotes the science and practice of positive psychology – and facilitates collaboration among researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students in Canada. Up first is John Helliwell. Over the past decade and supported in part by the World Happiness Report there's growing interest in learning [...]

Canadian Positive Psychology Association 2018 Part II: John Helliwell on Global Happiness, Plus Bill Craig and Jay Gosselin

Mark Franklin was your Career Buzz correspondent interviewing keynoters and speakers on-site at the Canadian Positive Psychology Association’s 2018 Conference in Toronto.  The CPPA promotes the science and practice of positive psychology – and facilitates collaboration among researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students in Canada. Up first is John Helliwell. Over the past decade and supported in part by the World Happiness Report there's growing interest in [...]

Positive Psychology experts discuss Hedonia, Eudaimonia and the Virtuous Organization

With so much interest in positive psychology, how can we use it to enrich our careers and lives? How can it help us to flourish? These are questions that today’s podcast guests help answer. Guests were speakers and exhibitors at the recent Canadian Positive Psychology Association’s national conference held in Niagara on the Lake, June [...]

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