
Career Buzz – Make An Impact with David W. Reynolds on Hoda’s Career Info

Dr Hoda Kilani is raising Career Literacy one interview at a time. On a recent episode of her Hoda’s Career Info she interviewed David W Reynolds, creator and host of: Lead. Learn. Change. It’s a podcast, and a book by the same title. Think about the greatest experiences you’ve ever had. What, or who, made them so memorable? [...]

“My Career Ended with a Mosquito Bite” – the challenges of transitioning away from Athletics and Dance

Dancers and athletes share strikingly similar challenges in their career and life transitions. Personal identity tied to profession, loss of community and team, and mental health are some of the challenges that athletes and dancers navigate in their transition from high performance. Annamay Oldershaw Pierse swam for Canada in 2008 at the Beijing Olympics. In [...]

Don’t Make Any Assumptions: Inside U of T Mississauga’s Career Centre

“Don’t make any assumptions,” said self-confessed career geek, Felicity Morgan, “about what you think about any career area.” Felicity is director of the career center at the University of Toronto at Mississauga. The UTM career centre serves over 13,000 students, with 15 staff. When we make assumptions we risk “not seeing our own biases and [...]

Getting every student talking about their future

  In 2004, Ryan Porter quit a business program in college to start his quest to answer the question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” Two years and a world of travel later, Ryan dedicated his career to helping young people answer the very question he set out to answer. Now, [...]

From Engineer to Mandarin language school owner, and your chance to Support Career Buzz on the Fall Membership edition

  Join co-host Nicole Hamilton and I as we host the NEW SOUND OF YOUR CITY fall membership show. Please donate to support Career Buzz, and become a member of CIUT. It's a registered charity. Any amount is great -- 25 bucks gets you a tax receipt. Donate Online, or call in during the show, [...]

Take our kids to work! And, building a thriving workplace

How can parents help their sons and daughters learn about the world of work? The Learning Partnership was founded in 1993 to build important bridges between leaders in education and leaders in business. It’s a national charity dedicated to advancing publicly funded education. Take Our Kids to Work is The Learning Partnership’s signature program. It [...]

Focus on youth employment

How can parents and teachers navigate students through the tricky gap between high school and whatever comes next?  Emil Boychuk is a seasoned high school teacher and guidance counsellor. He is passionate about helping youth, especially with their career choices and planning. Emil is co-author of a book called Under Construction: Career Pathways to Work and is currently [...]

Five ways to listen and learn when you hear a career story

You can gain so much by hearing other people's career stories, but you have to listen carefully and in special ways. After interviewing over 300 guests on Career Buzz, and hearing thousands more stories in our CareerCycles practice, I'd like to share these five ways to listen and learn, next time you hear a career [...]

Talking to kids about careers

You may think it's strange to talk about work or careers with kids from kindergarten to grade 5. Is it too young? How early should students start thinking and learning about careers? We're going to answer these questions and more this week on Career Buzz! To help us we'll be joined by...Dave Weir is an Elementary Student Success Teacher [...]

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