
Mental Health and Self-Care in the Workplace

How safe is your workplace from a psychological health perspective? What can you do as an employee and employer to mitigate psychological health risks in the workplace? Half a million Canadians are off work each week due to mental illness. One in five Canadians experience a mental health problem each year. With figures like these, [...]

Myths of Happiness with Sonja Lyubomirsky

Hear Positive Psychology experts Sonja Lyubomirsky on myths of happiness, and Bob Vallerand on harmonious passion. "I can't be happy until I get that better job." "I’ll be happy when I’m rich." Author of The How of Happiness and The Myths of Happiness, Sonja Lyubomirsky busts myths based on her 20 years of research. What's [...]

Canadian Positive Psychology Association – Second Conference 2014

  It was an insightful experience for me to attend the Canadian Positive Psychology Association conference  in Ottawa on July 17-18. Plus it was a real pleasure to attend the conference as your Career Buzz correspondent, collecting interviews five of which we share today, as part 1, more in part 2 in a few weeks. [...]

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