
Career Buzz during Career Month with Dirk Matthews, Dr. Susan Barclay, Judy McKinnon and Ali Breen

Career Month is an international celebration of careers! Each November, Canadians and Americans, celebrate the importance of accessing meaningful work and all those who help in connecting people with preferred futures.  We speak to 2 Canada career month organizers, Ali Breen and Judy McKinnon to tell us more about, in the second half of today’s show. [...]

Pam Fillmon, Hyung Joon Yoon and Tim Clark, at NCDA 2019 Conference. Also: Angela Chisholm

This week on Career Buzz, Mark goes to Houston, Texas for the 2019 National Career Development Association conference. He first sits down with Pam Fillmon, who has a hunger for the stories of people. Pam brings insight into the complexity of change and the struggle of fitting passions and skills together. As principal of Fillmon and Associates, Pam offers [...]

The Joys & Challenges of Working Parents

  Guest Host Jennifer Mackey; career counsellor working with the Amazing Team of experienced career counselling and coaching professionals at CareerCycles; interviews Licensed Paralegal and Founder of Mizon Paralegal, Christine Mizon, about the joys and challenges of working parents. Christine is a working parent of a 17-year-old daughter who recently changed her career for the [...]

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