
“Relief Through Creativity” as it Unfolds in the Life & Career of an Artist

Luc Bihan is an internationally known French sculptor, trained in the San Francisco Art Institute. He has directed animation in both France and Canada and has supervised animation in China, North Korea, Poland, and Romania. As an artist, Luc feels art creation is a therapeutic meditative process, reflecting the subconscious and releasing inner thoughts and [...]

Career Buzz during Career Month with Dirk Matthews, Dr. Susan Barclay, Judy McKinnon and Ali Breen

Career Month is an international celebration of careers! Each November, Canadians and Americans, celebrate the importance of accessing meaningful work and all those who help in connecting people with preferred futures.  We speak to 2 Canada career month organizers, Ali Breen and Judy McKinnon to tell us more about, in the second half of today’s show. [...]

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