
Career Buzz with Muneera Chowdhury and Dean Rosen – Implementation consulting and forest fire fighting

How do you manage a forest fire?   And how do you a get a job becoming a forest fire fighter? Later in today’s show we speak to an Ontario Wildland FireRanger Dean Rosen about his career story. But first, how do you get around the stereotypes of an engineer job? You know, the designer in front of [...]

Pam Fillmon, Hyung Joon Yoon and Tim Clark, at NCDA 2019 Conference. Also: Angela Chisholm

This week on Career Buzz, Mark goes to Houston, Texas for the 2019 National Career Development Association conference. He first sits down with Pam Fillmon, who has a hunger for the stories of people. Pam brings insight into the complexity of change and the struggle of fitting passions and skills together. As principal of Fillmon and Associates, Pam offers [...]

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