Dr Hoda Kilani is raising Career Literacy one interview at a time. On a recent episode of her Hoda’s Career Info she interviewed David W Reynolds, creator and host of: Lead. Learn. Change. It’s a podcast, and a book by the same title. Think about the greatest experiences you’ve ever had. What, or who, made them so memorable? What did you lead, learn, or change, and why did it matter? Seeing our possibilities through a different lens can unleash your potential as a leader, a learner, or an agent of change. That’s our focus for this episode. David W Reynolds is project leader in the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE). He is a former public-school teacher and administrator. Our interviewer, Hoda Kilani, is a Certified Professional Career Coach and Founder of Right Career Fit. Find Hoda’s career info on Youtube and Soundcloud and Linkedin.
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