
2019 Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Interview with Stel Raven

The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association is a national bilingual association of professionally trained counsellors. CCPA’s members work in diverse fields of education, employment and career development, social work, business, industry, mental health, public service agencies, government and private practice. The 2019 conference was jointly presented with the Int’l Association for Counselling. It was held May [...]

2019 Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Interview with Stel Raven

Working through trauma is always challenging but seeking help as a queer, Indigenous person is often so complex that many people don’t reach out. Stel Raven deconstructs the Western view of gender and weaves in elements of minority stress theory. Stel’s keynote was called Queering and Decolonizing Trauma Work: A Path for Two-Spirit Wellness. Stel [...]

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