Colleen’s Career Statement
My Desires, which are what I’m wanting and what’s important to me include:
- Supporting people to be all they can be and not get stuck on the way.
- Helping others to create and find decent sustainable work in support of a world with a future.
- Collaborating with others to create better results together.
- New projects and learning so I can keep my skills sharp.
- Taking time for and with each other; slowing down; listening; relating.
- Focusing on a healthy holistic well balanced lifestyle for myself and my clients.
- More belly laughs!
I’m Naturally Interested in:
- Supporting others to grow and learn and develop and connect
- Facilitating people through the career development process
- Working with people and serving their needs
- Making and enjoying music
- Being recreationally active in nature
- Playing with friends
- Reading
The Strengths I want to use are:
- Holistic narrative career development expertise, coaching, group facilitation.
- Capacity building in helping clients learn to tell their story that will support them to find or create work where they can thrive.
- Oral communications – public speaking, training and coaching clients, motivating others.
- Grasp complex concepts and create easier language around them or connect them to metaphors.
My credibility and impact come from my Assets of:
- Book: A Career in Your Suitcase
- Certificate in Career Development, UofC
- Holistic Narrative Career Professional
- Bachler of Arts in Recreation Administration
- Fitness Instructor Certification
- Syntropic Enterprise Master Class
My Personal Qualities and how others describe me include:
- Attentive, contemplative, generous
- Open to new things
- Enthusiastic, positive, resourceful
- Big picture thinker
- Optimistic
- Dependable
- Practical
Other People who influence me include:
- My clients inspire me as we work together.
- Mother: how to engage in new places.
- Miriam van B: listening between the lines
- Christine M: confirmed what I ‘knew’ was true
- Annemarie O: gave me chances and supported my first efforts in Dutch facilitation
I’m most curious about exploring the Possibilities of:
- Staying curious about life and our world.
- Learning how to apply Syntropic principles to my work and life on more and more levels.
- Deepening my use of the Narrative method of career development practice and applying it to provide ‘Coaching Hikes’.
- Having fun and enjoying life. Letting life love me back.
- Showing up more fully in more places of my life to be all I can be.