If someone lives to live to age 90, which is now true for over half of Canadians, and they retire at 60, that’s a 30 year, post-work life. At age 60, they have half their life more to live. So, what’s next for them? How will they find purpose and meaning across 30 more years? And who is there to help them design their lifestyle?  

Mike Drak is a Retirement Lifestyle Designer. After a 30+ year career in financial services, Mike retired. He quickly realized he needed to figure out what to do in his post-work life. Which he set out to do. Now, he’s author of three books: Victory Lap Retirement, Retirement Heaven and Hell and Longevity lifestyle by design.  He’s a public speaker and workshop leader on the topic of non-financial aspects of retirement. And he’s currently training for IRONMAN competition.

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