Career Buzz Podcast: Are you a mountain or a leaf?

Lodro“We often get lost in our head when we’re trying to change things in our lives and communities,” Lodro Rinzler told Career Buzz listeners (April 26, 2015). Author of The Buddha Walks into the Office, Lodro spoke about the importance of meditation to help you “come home to who you are, your true self and innate wisdom.”

“When the breeze of change or uncertainty or fear hits a mountain, it deflects off the mountain,” Lodro said, referring to the “weightiness” of our innate wisdom. On the other hand, those of us “not confident in our innate wisdom, we’re more like a leaf in the wind. We get carried wherever the winds of change take us.”

How the clues apply to you: Be who you want to be. Let Lodro guide you in this brief mandala exercise.

Listen and learn from the whole interview, also featuring Mike Fenton on where a degree in sports marketing and commerce can take you.

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