Show your best self! Get an improved, tightly written, better organized and formatted, and more effective LinkedIn profile. Respond to connection requests, opportunities and postings and interact more confidently with LinkedIn consulting and training.
What you can expect from our LinkedIn Makeover with CareerCycles
Whether you’re an experienced professional, recent grad, or have gaps in your work history, a professional LinkedIn profile helps you be visible for job search and connections.
There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all LinkedIn profile as some claim as best LinkedIn profile writing services. At CareerCycles, our goal is to work with you to write and design a profile that reflects your best self. No one knows your story better than you. But it takes some skill to craft a profile that is clear, properly formatted, and only has the most relevant content.
Our goal is to help you develop a profile that is flexible and adaptable, so any time changes are needed, you’ll feel confident making them yourself even if you’ve tried executive LinkedIn profile writing service, or searched LinkedIn consulting Toronto or best LinkedIn consultants.
Here is how we work with you in our LinkedIn Makeover program:
1. A 1-hour phone or Skype initial LinkedIn collaborative consulting and learning session where we:
- Explore how far you have already developed your profile and presence
- Understand what you like, and what you feel needs changing
- Determine what you want LinkedIn to do for you
- Show samples of LinkedIn profiles and discuss CareerCycles LinkedIn Makeover template*
- After this initial session, you complete our CareerCycles LinkedIn Makeover Guide & Template:
provides an overview of each profile section, and guides you to add or edit content. Included are updated online learning resources for creating, editing and using your LinkedIn account. Use template to refine content before making it live. Guidance provided on how to edit live profile.
2. Within two (2) business days of receiving your completed Template, we provide a detailed critique and specific recommended content for you to follow, aligned with your needs and purpose. After receiving the critique and recommendations, you make further updates and edits.
3. Within two (2) business days or receiving your further updates and edits, we provide a final review and suggestions for Posts, Articles, Comments, Likes, connecting with 2nd degree connections, Groups, and more.
4. Wrap up – You do a final review of the LinkedIn content in the Template, ensuring you are satisfied with it and your ownership of it. Connect with us by phone, Skype or email with final questions before wrapping up.
Throughout the development of your profile, you are free to contact CareerCycles at any time with questions or for clarification.
We are committed to supporting you throughout this LinkedIn profile optimization process in a way that you benefit from our expertise. But, this is also a highly collaborative process. LinkedIn is your social spotlight – so it must have your voice and you should feel comfortable editing it any time.
Our promise to you
After the LinkedIn Makeover program, you will:
- Have a LinkedIn headline, summary, photo and background graphic you’re proud of
- Showcase your experience, volunteering and education concisely and positively
- Appreciate the purpose of your LinkedIn profile to support your career
- Gain confidence in your LinkedIn profile that it’s aligned with your intentions for it
- Build skills in online networking, connecting with 2nds, posting, sharing and joining groups.
What you get
- One-on-one individual LinkedIn help with an expert career professional
- 1-hour phone or Skype/Zoom conversation
- Flexibility – from individual programs to group learning
- CareerCycles LinkedIn Makeover Guide & Template
- Initial insights and recommendations around content and sections
- Second edit and review
- Suggestions for Posts, Articles, Comments, Likes, connecting with 2nd degree connections, Groups, and more.
FAQs about LinkedIn profile consulting services
What are the benefits of this kind of LinkedIn service?
Get an improved, tightly written, better organized and more effective LinkedIn profile. Respond to connection requests, opportunities and postings and interact more confidently. Showcase your solid results, quantitatively highlighting key data. Learn to interact professionally in Posts, Articles, Comments and Connection Requests.
What is a LinkedIn Makeover program?
We work with you to craft an effective LinkedIn profile. Start with an individual meeting. Then, we offer suggested changes, critiques, and editable content using our CareerCycles LinkedIn Makeover Guide & Template in iterative rounds of edits.
How much does it cost?
Career Tools programs are $395 including LinkedIn Makeover. Save 15% if you buy 2 or more Career Tools. Career Tools can be a welcome gift for someone you care about.
Are remote and group programs available?
Yes. Work with us via Zoom, Skype or phone. This way, we can work collaboratively and share screen.
What else can CareerCycles help me with?
We provide effective career counselling and transition coaching. Gain career clarity, generate options, search for jobs, renovate your resume, makeover your LinkedIn profile. CareerCycles also helps organizations with outplacement, career transition, trailing spouses and expats, and career management programs. Access our evidence-based narrative framework, and Online Storyteller web application.
For information about LinkedIn profile optimization, please contact:
Client Service
Toll free 1-844-465-9222 or 416-465-9222
Email or use our contact page.