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Career Buzz podcast & radio show: Stories show that who you are matters!

Career Buzz, hosted by Mark Franklin and guest-hosted by Hoda Kilani, Stephen Armstrong, and Erica Mattison, is a captivating podcast and radio broadcast that offers weekly career insights. With over 500 searchable interviews, Career Buzz provides a deep dive into the world of career management, covering topics such as career change, career development, career stewardship, job search strategies, employment coaching, and the future of work.

Mark Franklin, practice leader of CareerCycles, co-founder of OneLifeTools, and adjunct professor at the University of Toronto, brings to the show his peripatetic career story from engineering to counselling, and from consulting to career development, and 10,000+ hours of career counselling with people of all ages and stages. Broadcasting on CIUT 89.5 FM in Toronto – from Barrie to Buffalo, and from Kitchener to Coborg – and also worldwide at, Career Buzz features inspiring career stories and expert advice, empowering listeners to make informed career choices.

Career Buzz is more than just a podcast; it’s a resource for anyone looking to take the next step in their career. Whether you’re a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or considering a career change, Career Buzz offers practical advice and real-world insights to help you achieve your goals.


Karen Rockwell

“Choosing to embed Who You Are Matters! into our Career Day was an excellent decision. Staff and management loved it, and our Commissioner was pleased with the results. Working with the team at OneLifeTools and CareerCycles was easy; they worked hard at customizing and delivering a top notch event for us.”

Karen Rockwell

HR Manager, Region of Peel

David Toushek

“This was a well organized and fun way to spend time digging deep into and gaining clarity about what makes us happy and fulfilled. It was also great to do it in a group setting where many bonds were built and laughs were had!”

David Toushek

President, JCI Toronto

Nancy Fink

“Who You Are Matters! led to deeper conversations and I walked away with a true appreciation of colleagues and deep personal insights. With teleworking and self-isolation, this creates safe, meaningful sharing and feedback. It delivers encouragement and engagement in difficult times.

Nancy Fink

Director, Professional Outplacement Assistance Center, Maryland Department of Labor

Andrea Karapas

“With any staff retreat, it’s important to have a space that allows employees to reflect on their professional development goals and areas of desired growth. The Who You Are Matters! game put structure to this process for my team and allowed them to think about the future in a very relational way with feedback and support from trusted colleagues.”

Andrea Karapas

M.Ed., LPC - Manager of Career Counseling, Colorado State University College of Business Career Management Center
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