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Why choose CareerCycles for your career coaching needs?

We help organizations with team (re)building, staff events, career transition, outplacement and executive coaching.

Virtual, or in-person in Toronto and Vancouver

Our Impact

Counselling & coaching hours
Individual lives enriched
Organizations served
Client countries of origin
Google reviews
Published outcome studies, chapters, e.g. Franklin, Yanar & Feller, 2015

Our Services

Skip Discovery Call. Get Started Now

1-hour Get Started Session, includes narrative assessment

Get Started Session includes:

  • 1-on-1, one hour session with a trained CareerCycles career counsellor

  • Access to Online Storyteller reflection tool

  • At least 1 new career or job or life possibility

  • Positive feeling of optimism

  • Personalized action steps to move forward

  • Investment $120 includes program credit

Learn how we support our clients in their life & career transitions. What’s your story?

from first job to Meaningful Work

Alexis’s Story

“I just fell into it. My first job and career path wasn’t planned and now I’m unsure if I should stick with it or start something new.”

Be intentional in making your next career choice, find meaningful work, and create a more fulfilling career.

Learn more

from midlife disengagement to Re-engagement

Dean’s Story

“I’m in an established career and a comfortable situation, but something doesn’t feel right.”

Taking a leap into a new career can be challenging and scary. Take the time to reflect and make a confident and well-informed choice.

Learn more

from school to Work

Daniel’s Story

“I did what I was supposed to do, went to school, got an education, but now what?”

Get your career started on the right track by identifying what you want and don’t want, leading to a career you’ll love.

Learn more

We help you address confusion and chaos resulting in clarity and confidence. If you are stuck in any transition we are here to guide you.

Start with a Discovery Call. We listen and help determine the right next step.


Hi! I’m Mark Franklin, practice leader of CareerCycles,

Thank you for visiting our site! I’ve facilitated 10,000+ hours of career counselling, and was honoured to receive the Stu Conger Award for Career Development Leadership. I’m a University of Toronto adjunct professor, Career Buzz podcaster, OneLifeTools co-founder, Professional Engineer, and also a father, son, brother, friend, mentor, cyclist, skier, active traveller and grateful Canadian with our marvelous diversity of people.

After my own career unhappiness, I went back to school in counselling psychology. I was the only engineer among my grad school peers and soon learned how fascinating it was to bring an engineer’s systems thinking in a field with strengths in communication and empathy but few systematic methods.

After working as a career counsellor in big universities and private practice, I began to notice a pattern in clients’ storytelling, and drawing on transferable skills from engineering, I created what became our narrative assessment system.

Along my journey, it has been so gratifying to work alongside our amazing team of CareerCycles counsellors & associates to help over 5000 people make well-informed choices.

Along your journey, when the time is right, I welcome you to connect with us, learn more about career programs or get in touch with questions about organizational career management, career counseling, executive coaching, Who You Are Matters! conversation experience, podcast interviews, and more ways we can support you.

Storylistening, along with you,

Mark Franklin

Mark Franklin
CareerCycles practice leader & CareerBuzz host
OneLifeTools co-founder
University of Toronto adjunct professor

Career questions or job concerns?

Book your Free Discovery Call Today- for flexible scheduling (evenings and weekends),

please contact Heidi:  1.844.465.9222 | 


Career or job questions? | Organizational concerns?

Book your Free Discovery Call Today!

Flexible scheduling: days, evenings, weekends.

Please contact Heidi:  1.844.465.9222 | 

Take the leap. Make life better, sooner.