Art is a business. Award-winning playwright, executive producer, actor, creator, and stand-up comedian trey anthony, is known for the ground-breaking television and theatrical  production ‘da Kink in my Hair. Critics have referred to anthony as ‘The Oprah of the Canadian theatre scene.’ What’s her personal call to action? Check it out on her inspiring TEDX Toronto video, and tune in to Career Buzz for more.

Welcome back to the iron age. When Robb Martin was growing up he was dissatisfied with the look of things. As a teenager he was into heavy metal and art, and then he went to weekend metalworking workshop and realized he wanted to be a blacksmith. Twenty years later Robb still loves his work at Thak Ironworks. The secret to his success? Like what you do, and be persistent.

Pig farmer to funky furniture artist. Gilbert VandenHeuvel chose to work on the family pig farm, and in 2001 he liked pork so much he bought the company from his father. During the years working on the farm Gilbert’s metal working skills grew and grew. And he became an avid cyclist. These days, the pig farm is closed down and Gilbert is having fun with his next chapter in life:  Creating new ways to use old bike parts to make functional and funky furniture as The ReCycler.

Insight from July 8, Career Buzz: Franchise consultant, Gary Prenevost, of FranNet  advised listeners about buying a business. “If the head is overriding the heart, or the heart is overriding the head, do some more research,” Gary said. To avoid making a quick but poor decision Gary noted that “the Canadian Franchise Association’s tagline is ‘investigate before investing,’ and that also means investigate your own skills, passions and alignment. [A person may] buy a good business, but it’s a good business for someone else!” Hear the whole inspiring interview also featuring Parker MacDonald and Michael Cavanaugh.
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