The steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, reputedly the world’s richest man in the late 19th century, had some advice for anyone who wished to follow his example: “Put all your eggs in one basket,” he said, “and then watch that basket.”  Watching those eggs—aka asset protection—may no longer be that simple, if it ever was. But it’s no less of a concern for anyone who has managed to amass some wealth. Making money is one thing; keeping it may require an entirely different set of strategies.  Our guest today believes “Money represents power and power represents freedom”. If you have some money, you have some of both. It’s better to hold on to it than give it to fast talking politicians or investment gurus. Your challenge is to save your money, avoid expropriation and taxes.

Today we hear from Alex Doulis noted expert and best-selling author on taxation, investing, banking and asset protection.  He has written six books providing guidance to Canadians to legally avoid paying tax and hold onto wealth. They are NOT get rich quick books.  His background is in finance having received his Chartered Financial Analyst in 1978. He worked in the investment industry in his later years and at aged 50, in 1990, having determined that more than 50 percent of his income was going to the tax men he devised the ultimate income tax avoidance scheme. He quit earning an income and went sailing for 15 years.  At that time, he wrote the book “take your money and run”. During those years of leisure in the Mediterranean, Alex had the opportunity to write about investing, the Canadian stock market and how it got to be what it is and why the Canadian market is a very dangerous place for you.

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